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Dog Room

Disclaimer form

Dog Room

Disclaimer Form



Guest Name & Date Of Stay:

Pet Name & Description:

Emergency mobile phone (required):

Please read and initial by each of the following:

  • I understand that I will be charged £25.00 per dog for the first night, then £15 per dog for subsequent nights. This fee is non-refundable.
  • I understand that I will be charged £25.00 per dog for the first night, then £15 per dog for subsequent nights. This fee is non-refundable.
  • As a responsible pet owner, I agree to accept full responsibility for any and all damages and/any soiling caused by my pet during my stay at the hotel. The hotel accepts no responsibility for a pet or pet owner who does not follow the items listed on this waiver.
  • I understand that the costs for the repair of any damages or additional cleaning requirements (including labour) will be charged accordingly. This also includes flea treatment of the guest room.
  • I acknowledge that all pets are limited to guest rooms only and only permitted in the bar area at any time (left hand side, wooden floor area by fire exit doors). When outside of the room for transporting in & out of the property, the pet must be on a lead or crated for the health, safety, and concern of all other hotel guests
  • I acknowledge that my pet, if left alone in the room, should be in its pet carrier/crate. I also acknowledge that if my pet is not crated or in a carrier and is alone during housekeeping service, I will not receive my room to be serviced for the day.
  • I acknowledge that I will walk my pet to relieve it of bodily functions on the outer perimeter of the hotel property, I am also responsible to clean up any refuse produced by my pet and disposed of in the outside bin provided.

Thank you for adhering to these policies, we hope you and your pet have a wonderful stay!

Guest Signature & Date:

Staff Signature & Date:


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